Product Update

March 11, 2006

1. Projects: Project dashboards introduced; issue tracking and other project notifications; copy billing and recognition settings; other Projects enhancements.

2. Purchases: Streamlined purchasing process.

3. Reports: Usage designations and classes; other Reporting enhancements.

4. Timesheets enhancements.

5. Invoices enhancements.

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1. Projects: Project dashboards introduced; issue tracking and other project notifications; copy billing and recognition settings; other Projects enhancements.

There are several major enhancements in the Projects module in this release. First is the introduction of project dashboards. To enable the dashboard feature, administrators (and users with role privileges to modify project stages) navigate to My Account > Account > Projects > Project stages > [select a project stage]. In 'Options', check “Dashboard” and save. New project stages will have the “Dashboard” option enabled by default, but it can be turned off by modifying the stage options, if desired. Terminology for “dashboard” can be changed in My Account > Company > Terminology.

Administrators, the project owner and users who have the role privilege to “View dashboards” (in the Projects section of the role settings) can view the project dashboard. Administrators, the project owner and users who have the role privilege to “View and modify dashboards” can make changes to the dashboard, unless the project has the restriction in the “Edit project” form to “Allow only the project owner [or administrator or the selected users] to edit the project”.

If a project is in a stage that has the project dashboard enabled, and if the user has role privileges to view the dashboard, when the user clicks on a particular project from the Projects module, s/he will land in the project dashboard. There are currently two areas within the project dashboard. The first is a message board; users with role privileges can enter a message for display by clicking the “(edit message)” link. The second area is a “Reports” section. If a saved report has been given a project-specific usage designation, by default a link to the saved report will appear in the reports section of the project dashboard. Use the “(customize)” link to select which report links should be displayed. Please see the section on reporting enhancements below, for more information on report usage designations. When a user clicks to run a saved report from the project dashboard, the report is executed and results displayed in a separate popup window. Any project, customer and/or project-stage filters in the original saved report are ignored; the project filter is explicitly set to the current project, on-the-fly. The underlying saved report is not modified.

Look for further additions to the project dashboard functionality in future releases.

Second, we have enhanced the project issue tracking functionality introduced in our last release by adding support for notifications. Email notifications can now be configured to go to:

    • Project owner and/or client owner when an issue is created;
    • Project owner, client owner and/or assigned users when an issue is changed to an issue stage that is considered closed;
    • Users when they are assigned to/removed from an issue.

For more information on project issue tracking, please see the product update for the January 28, 2006 release.

Third, we have enhanced project notifications overall, by grouping notifications together in a separate section of the “Edit project” form. To enable notifications for projects, including issue tracking notifications, users with the necessary role privileges navigate to Projects > [select a project] > Edit project. Go to the new “Notifications” section of the form. In addition to the issue-related notifications outlined above, available options include notification to the project owner when a change in ownership is made, or notification to assigned users when a task is added or changed.

A fourth enhancement to the Projects module in the current release is the ability to copy project billing or recognition settings from one project to many other projects in bulk. The billing and recognition settings allow managers to schedule project billing and recognition rules to run automatically on a specified schedule, either on a trial or actual basis, and to email selected users as to the results. Previously, to configure the settings, it was necessary to go into each project, to the billing or recognition area, and make the desired changes to the auto-bill or auto-run settings by clicking the appropriate link. With this release, users with the necessary privileges can configure one project and copy the settings to multiple projects. To do so, from the project list, use the “bulk action” checkbox column to select the single project you want to copy settings from. (To display this column in the project list, use the “customize” link at the bottom of the page and select the “Run an action” item.) Click the circling arrows icon near the top of the column to run the action. On the action popup form, select the new "Tag the project" option and click OK. Back in the project list, select all the projects you want to copy the settings to, and click the circling arrows to run an action again. Select the radio button option to copy project billing auto-bill settings or recognition auto-run settings from the tagged project (the tagged project is named for you). Click OK to run the action and to display a message on the number of projects that were updated.

Other enhancements to the Project module in the current release include:

    • The ability to duplicate project revenue recognition auto-run settings when creating a project from another project (New entries > Create > Project from another project).

    • An option to display the invoice layout associated with a particular project in the project list view (in both Projects module and in the Account tab of the My Account module). From the project list view, click the “customize” link at the bottom of the list, and add “Invoice layout” to the list of selected items. To associate an invoice layout with a particular project, please select the project and click the “Edit project” link. Select a default invoice layout for the project and save.


2. Purchases: Streamlined purchasing process.

With this release, we are rolling out a new streamlined version of the OpenAir purchasing process. This feature enables project or billing managers to more easily enter costs incurred against a project and to re-bill them to the client. It could be used, for instance, to enter project costs for subcontractors who will not be entering timesheet hours, or for expenditures for which an employee does not need to be reimbursed via the Expenses module. Previously, such costs would have to go through the standard purchase order cycle: purchase requests created, then approved, purchase orders created, then approved, and finally, fulfillments created. The new feature dispenses with the need for a purchase request, approvals and fulfillments, and compresses the entire process into a few easy steps.

The new feature is enabled in My Account > Company > Settings > Purchases options. Check the box “Enable the ability to create non-PO purchase items…” and save. The default terminology (“non-PO purchase item”) can be changed in My Account > Company > Terminology.

To utilize the feature, the user must have access to the Purchases module. The user must also have role privileges to view/modify non-PO purchase items. At least one product and one vendor must exist in the account; these entities are created, viewed or modified in My Account > Account > Purchases.

To create a new non-PO purchase item, users navigate to Purchases > POs > Purchase items. From the “New entries > Create dropdown, select “a Non-PO purchase item”. Enter date, client, project, product, quantity, price and other relevant information. For multicurrency accounts, a currency drop-down is presented next to the cost column, allowing currency selection.

To identify these items in the POs > Purchase items list view, use the “customize” link at the bottom of the screen to add “non-PO purchase item”.

Once a non-PO purchase item has been created, it is immediately considered fulfilled and is thus available for billing; this eliminates the need to create a fulfillment as a separate step in the process. To bill the items to a client, simply navigate to Projects > [select the project] > Billing. Create/run a purchase item billing rule. To recognize revenue on non-PO purchase items, create/run a purchases rule, from the project’s recognition area.

The “Analysis” link within the project displays the “Total” value for non-PO purchase items in the “Incurred costs” section of the financial analysis report.

To report on non-PO purchase items, navigate to Reports > Detail > Purchases > Purchase items. In the report layout, select the “non-PO purchase item” column. A PO filter is also available, and you can select “No PO” to limit the report results to non-PO purchase items


3. Reports : Usage designations and classes; other Reporting enhancements.

OpenAir reports are also undergoing significant updates. First, we have added the concept of usage designation. At the bottom of every report form, including when modifying a saved report, users with the required role privileges have access to a section for “Usage designations”. This allows the user configuring the report to indicate if it should be available in entity-specific situations. A report which is given project-specific usage designation, for instance, will be available for inclusion in project dashboards, as described in the Projects section above. The ability to specify usage designations is available to administrators and to users who have the "Specify report usage designations" privilege in the General Settings section of the role. If users do not have this role privilege, the "Usage designations" section will not appear on the report configuration form, but the tips at the bottom of the page will indicate if the report has been given a usage designation. Other features leveraging the usage designation will also be forthcoming.

Saved reports are now categorized by class as well. Examples of report classes include “Account-wide project summary”, “Client detail”, “Pending billing”, “Financial analysis”, etc. The report class is automatically assigned by the OpenAir system, based on the type of the saved report, and is static.

Both usage designations and class are available in the Reports >Saved reports list view, via the “customize” link.

Other Reporting enhancements included in the present release are:

    • A new detail report on reports can be found in Reports > Detail > Account-wide > Reports. Available fields include the audit trail, class and usage designation, owner and date of creation.

    • The Timesheets and Expense status reports now include a filter for the user’s manager. The user’s manager also appears as a column in the report; there is an option to suppress the manager column if you prefer to omit it. This feature is only available if your account has at least one user with a manager selected in the “User Demographic” form. To access these reports, users with the required privileges navigate to Reports > Advanced > Timesheets > Timesheet status, or Reports > Advanced > Expenses > Envelope status


4. Timesheets enhancements.

We have added several new features relating to OpenAir timesheets:

Administrators can require that time be booked to a project (in addition to a client) before the timesheet can be submitted. To enable this feature, please contact OpenAir support.

A new option permits sorting of the entire timesheet grid in alphabetical order of client:projects. While there are existing settings to sort the timesheet (at the company level in My Account > Company > Settings > Timesheets options, and at the user level in My Account > My Options > Preferences), these settings only apply alphabetical sorting to the timesheet rows where time has been entered. The new feature extends the alphabetical sort to all rows of the timesheet, whether or not time has been entered on a particular row. To enable this feature, please contact OpenAir support.

Terminology can be customized for the “Description” and “Notes” fields in the popup window accessed by clicking the blue/green dot on timesheets. This can be helpful if you want timekeepers to reserve one of these fields for internal use, and the other for client-facing information. For instance, “Notes” can be changed to “Notes for internal use”. To change terminology, users with required role privileges navigate to My Account > Company > Terminology. The “Description” and “Notes” options are at the bottom of the terminology form.

The PDF version of the timesheet report layout now has configuration options for page orientation, top margin and font size. To configure the timesheet report layout, users with required role privileges navigate to Timesheets > Options > Timesheet Report Layout. The PDF settings are at the bottom of the layout configuration form.


5. Invoices enhancements.

In the list view of invoices, it is now possible to display a filterable column for the owner of the project associated with the invoice, by using the “customize” link at the bottom of the list view. “Project owner” is also a report layout option in Reports > Detail > Invoices. Both features require that “One project per invoice” be enabled in My Account > Company > Settings > Invoices Options.

The invoice layout feature to combine service timebills now applies to “Other rate” timebills, in addition to hourly timebills. To configure invoice layouts, users with the required privileges navigate to Invoices > Options > Invoice layout. For more information on the “combine” feature of invoice layouts, or on configuring invoice layouts in general, please visit the online help in the Invoices module, and click on Options tab > Invoice layout.


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