OpenAir Enhancements

November 20, 2010


Exclude specific values from filters in reports
Select specific values in filters to be excluded from report results.

Apply custom report filters for custom calculations
Configure custom filters for summary reporting values via custom calculations.

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Display and enter hours remaining estimates directly on the timesheet main grid
Allow users to enter hours remaining on timesheet grid.

"Own proxy" email notifications for submissions. Configuration of timesheet submission email template
Configure and send submission emails to "Own proxy" users.

Display Payroll type field on Time entries list view
View the Payroll type for associated time entries in a list view.

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Display "Booked hours" and "Gap hours" in Task List view
View the number of booked hours and gap hours for tasks within Task list view.

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Additional options for invoice layout terminology overrides
Override terminology for "Agreement" and "Customer PO" for invoice layouts.

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Exclude specific values from filters in reports
OpenAir reporting allows great flexibility in providing key information to users and managers. In addition to selecting a multitude of reporting values, users can configure filters within a report to limit the items that need to be included in the report. For example, if running a utilization report, managers may choose to only report on the utilization value for full-time employees. To do this, users would click on the Resource filter on the report edit form and include the individual users that should be displayed in the report results.

For some companies, there may be a larger number of full-time employees than part-time employees and therefore managers may wish to exclude the part-time employees from the report rather than include all full-time employees. Furthermore, new full-time employees may continue to be hired. With this release, we have added the ability for users to select an option to exclude values from specific filters in a report. In the aforementioned example, a user may wish to exclude part-time employees. Thus, all existing and newly hired full-time employees will automatically be included in the report results.

To enable the ability to exclude values in filters, please contact OpenAir Support.

How to exclude values from filters:

  1. Once the feature has been enabled, navigate to Reports.
  2. Select the type of report to configure (e.g. Summary, Detail, Advanced).
  3. In the "Filters and detail fields" section, click on the "Create" link under the "Filter" section for a particular filter.
  4. In the filter form, click on the "Exclude the selected items" radio button and select the values to exclude from that filter. Click OK.

Apply custom report filters for custom calculations
OpenAir's flexible reporting allows for many configuration options, including the ability to filter reporting values by certain fields. This allows users or managers to view report information only for those items that are pertinent to them. For example, a manager may want to review utilization metrics for the company. As such, it is often beneficial to see the breakdown of billable and non-billable time as distinct reporting columns. If leveraging time types, the field "time type" could be added as a subtotal value, however, the report information would be displayed as subtotaling rows and not distinct columns.

Now, the ability to create various custom calculations and apply custom report filters for each custom summary report value has been added. In addition, built-in summary report values can also have custom filters applied via custom calculations. Once a custom calculation has been created, filters can be applied specifically to that reporting value. This will allow users to view multiple reporting values with different selections for filters in a single report.

To enable this feature, please contact OpenAir Support.

How to apply a custom filter to a custom calculation:

  1. Users with the appropriate role privileges navigate to Administration > Global Settings > Reports > Custom calculations.
  2. From the "New" dropdown, select the appropriate type of custom calculation to create.
  3. Select the Left operand, the Operation, and the Right operand from the drop-down lists.
  4. Type the Title and a Description (if applicable) of the new custom calculation.
  5. Select the check box to indicate this is an Active custom calculation. It must be active to show up in your report selections. If you do not wish to not have the module name displayed before the custom calculation title, select the check box Do not automatically prepend module name to title in account-wide reports.
  6. Under the "Custom report filters" section, select the appropriate filters to apply. These filters will be applied only to this particular custom calculation.
  7. Click Save.
How to apply a custom filter to a built-in summary report value:
  1. Users with the appropriate role privileges navigate to Administration > Global Settings > Reports > Custom calculations.
  2. From the "New" dropdown, select the appropriate type of custom calculation to create.
  3. For the Left operand, select the built-in summary report value. For the Operation, select "times" and for the Right operand, select the constant of one value (this will need to be manually created). Note: To create a constant of one, please see below.
  4. Under the "Custom report filters" section, select the appropriate filters to apply. These filters will be applied only to this particular custom calculation.
  5. Click Save.
How to set up a constant of one:
  1. Navigate to Global Settings > Custom calculations > Custom detail fields and create a custom detail field. For example, select New > Time entry custom detail field. Note: It must be a transaction custom detail field.
  2. Select "Constant" from the Function drop-down list and type a title for the custom detail field.
  3. Type the "Constant" of "1" and select the "Resulting field type" to be "Ratio".
  4. Click Save.

Display and enter hours remaining estimates directly on the timesheet main grid
The OpenAir hours remaining functionality allows project managers to track the number of hours a user believes may be remaining to complete a task. For companies that leverage this functionality, users will enter their estimates when entering time on a timesheet. With the hours remaining functionality enabled, the system will use these estimates to calculate the percent complete of the project. In addition to allowing users to enter their own hours remaining estimates, users can also see what the system estimates to be remaining based on the planned hours designated on the project plan. With this option enabled, when users enter time on their timesheet, a read-only view of the number of hours remaining based on the project plan is displayed. Users can then compare their own estimates with the system estimates.

With this release, we have made it easier for users to enter their hours remaining estimate. The "Hours remaining" field can now be displayed as a distinct column on the timesheet main grid. Users will be able to enter estimates right next to each task selection. In addition, if the system estimate as been enabled, it can also be displayed as a distinct column on the timesheet grid. Previously, within their timesheet, users would navigate away from the timesheet grid, to the "Hours remaining" link. Note: This feature is available for both the classic and dynamic grids. To enable hours remaining for tasks, administrators navigate to Administration > Application Settings > Timesheets Settings. Check the option "Enable the "Hours remaining" on tasks estimating feature" and Save.

To enable the system generated estimate, administrators navigate to Administration > Application Settings > Timesheets Settings. Check the option "Use the system estimate if "hours remaining" are not entered" and Save.

To enable the ability to enter hours remaining directly on the timesheet grid, please contact OpenAir Support. Please note that once enabled, the existing "Hours remaining" link will be removed.

To change the terminology of "Hours remaining" and "System estimate (hrs), navigate to Administration > Display > Interface: Terminology.

How to enter hours remaining:

  1. Once the feature has been enabled, navigate to an open timesheet.
  2. Under the "Hours remaining" column, enter the appropriate number of hours next to each task. Note: If the same task has been selected more than once, the hours remaining value will always display as the same for all tasks.
  3. If the system generated estimate has been enabled, the system generated estimate will be displayed as a grayed out box right next to the hours remaining field.

"Own proxy" email notifications for submissions. Configure timesheet submission email template
In the September 2010 release, OpenAir added the ability for users that have been designated as an "Own proxy" for a timesheet approver, to receive the timesheet submission email notification in addition to the standard approver. This allowed users who may act on another user's behalf to be notified if a timesheet is waiting for approval. OpenAir has enhanced this functionality to not only allow "Own proxy" users to receive the email notification, but to also allow users to configure the email that is sent. Among the configuration options are the ability to include additional recipients that should be CC'd on the email, as well as the ability to customize the content of the email.

To enable this additional functionality, please contact OpenAir Support.

To suppress the standard timesheet emails, please contact OpenAir Support.

How to configure "Own proxy" emails and configure timesheet submission email:

  1. Users with the appropriate role privileges, navigate to Administration > Application Settings > Timesheets Settings.
  2. Under the "New" dropdown, select "Approval Requested notification".
  3. In the "Conditions" section, select "Yes" under the "Approver has "own proxy" defined" dropdown. If necessary, select a specific client:project that the notification should be applied to.
  4. If applicable, in the "Notify" section, specify who should receive this notification. Individual email addresses can be entered or existing users within the OpenAir instance can be selected. In the "Selected users" box, select [Approver] and [Approver's own proxy].
  5. If selecting more than one recipient, users can choose to have a separate email sent to the users (all containing the same content) or have all recipients appear in the To: line. To Select the appropriate option under the "For email with multiple recipients:" dropdown
  6. Under the "Message" section, customize the email notification. Type the "Email subject." It displays on the subject line. For the "Email body", use the "Field" drop-down list to identify OpenAir variables and custom fields. Click on the [paste] link to copy the OpenAir variables into the body. OpenAir fills in the account information in the body of the email.
  7. Click Save.

Display Payroll type field on Time entries list view
In the November 2008 release, the ability to view individual time entries as a separate tab in the Timesheets module was added. The list of time entries may be used to identify the time logged by contractors and to mark these time entries as paid with an associated invoice. When viewing these entries, it may be beneficial to see the associated payroll types. In this release, we have added the ability for users to customize the Time entries list view to display the "Payroll type" field.

To enable the Time entries tab, please contact OpenAir Support.

To display the "Payroll type" in the Time entries list view, users with the appropriate role privileges navigate to a list and click on the "Customize list view" link. Add "Payroll type". Click OK.

Display "Booked hours" and "Gap hours" in Task List view
The project Task List view is often leveraged by managers to manage individual tasks or by users to see the tasks they are working on. At times, it may be necessary to view additional information about the task such as the number of hours that have been booked against the task or what the current gap hours (planned hours minus worked hours) are for the task. In this release, we have added the option for users to display this information directly on the Task List view.

To add the booked hours and gap hours to the task list view, users with the appropriate role privileges navigate to Projects > Tasks > Pending/Completed/All tasks and click on the "Customize list view" link on the upper left corner of the top menu bar. Click "Hours - Booked" and/or "Hours - Gap", select "Add selected items." Click OK.


Additional options for invoice layout terminology overrides
For companies that send invoices to their clients directly from OpenAir, different invoice layouts can be configured to modify the appearance of an invoice based on client needs. Invoice layouts can be assigned at the client, project or invoice level. In addition to being able to sort or group items, the terminology for certain fields can be overridden and applied to that specific invoice layout. With this release, OpenAir has further enhanced the configuration capabilities of invoice layouts by adding the ability to override the terminology for "Agreement" and "Customer PO".

To enable the ability to override terminology for invoice layouts, please contact OpenAir Support.

How to override terminology for invoice layouts:

  1. Once the feature has been enabled, navigate to Administration > Application Settings > Invoices Settings > Invoice layouts.
  2. Create a new layout or existing one.
  3. In the "Invoice terminology" section, override the terminology of a field(s). The overridden terminology will apply to that specific layout.

Suggestions, problems, or questions?
Contact us at We take pride in the outstanding care we give our customers. Please let us know how can we improve your experience with OpenAir.